ллллл Troubleshooting GifREED GifREED is a very powerful GIF Viewing/Editing/Printing program. However, like any other powerful tool, it may take a bit of fine tuning to make it work perfectly on your system. Here are some common problems associated with GifREED Operation. ллллл "Temp Disk Invalid" This means that there is a problem with the TEMP drive setup. A temp drive is necessary for the operation of GifREED to store the data that it's working on at the time. The program will not operate correctly without it. Since a CD-ROM cannot serve as a temp drive, you must provide a temp drive for GifREED to work with. There are two common problems with temp drives and GifREED... either you don't have one, or you have too many of them. If you do not have one, add the following statement to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: SET TEMP=C: Or, better yet, if you have a RAMdrive of any significant size, use that for your TEMP drive. If you have Windows, you probably already have a TEMP drive set, so please do not set the value again. Setting it more than once will also give GifREED a problem. If you find that after setting the temp drive you are still getting the problem, then go into your AUTOEXEC.BAT with your favorite text editor and delete all but the first SET TEMP statement, preferably one that is going to a RAMdrive. ллллл "It can't find my Video Card!" GifREED can autodetect a wide variety of video cards. However, some simply do not show up well. The most well documented case of this is that any video card that uses the Tseng TS4000 chipset will NOT autodetect properly. However, you may easily use the Tseng TS4000 chipset with GifREED if you set the following parameter before you use it: SET GIFREED=TS4000 This will cause the program to simply go right into TS4000 mode, rather than trying to autodetect it. ллллл "The Pictures are bigger than my screen!" This can happen if you use this disc and GifREED on a system with less than 512k of video memory. If you are using a card of less than 512k, I would strongly suggest that you look into upgrading your card. There aren't too many products left on the market today that will comfortably fit in 256k of video RAM, especially in the image market. A 1 MB card is recommended for usage of Ero Tek products, but you can get by with 512k. ллллл "I Don't Have a Mouse! How do I use the program?" GifREED has a built-in "mouse emulator" for those that do not have a mouse on their computers. Hit your SCROLL LOCK key to turn on your SCROLL LOCK light. Once that light is on, your "arrow keys" will move your "mouse" and the left and right shift buttons will act as your left and right mouse buttons. To disable this feature, simply hit the SCROLL LOCK key again, turning off the SCROLL LOCK light.